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Singers - Stay up to date, pay donations here.

Practice Your Parts

We encourage you to practice your individual parts between rehearsals.   Being prepared not only makes you a better member, but it also makes those around you stronger.


    • All members of ACS pay an annual donation of $100 - which includes your music (unlike many other community choruses that charge extra).  You can pay by mail, in person at the first couple of rehearsals, or with credit card or PayPal below.

    • If you are going to be absent or late, please notify Maureen.  Only three absences per semester please.  Participation in the next concert will be allowed for 4 or more absences ONLY after an interview with the Artistic Director to assess preparation and other circumstances.  This policy is made to protect the quality and integrity of our performances.

Members pay $100 donation here:

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Aiken Choral Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are deductible as allowed by law.


Aiken Choral Society
PO Box 2161

Aiken, SC  29802


South Carolina Arts Commission supports us - this is their logo

Aiken Choral Society is funded in part by the South Carolina Arts Commission
which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts

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